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St. Winefride's Catholic Primary School

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Mental Health and Wellbeing


My Happy Mind Logo

At St Winefride’s we want our children to be fully equipped to mange their own mental health as they progress through their St Winefride’s journey with us and beyond.  To help them achieve this we have adopted the ‘My Happy Mind’ scheme.


 ‘My Happy Mind’ is an NHS funded programme that is proactive rather than reactive.  Often mental health strategies are introduced as children need them but we want children to be fully aware of the science behind how their brain works, provide them with strategies so they can mange their own mental health alongside building resilience and self-esteem.


My Happy Minds Content

 Every year group from Early Years to Year 6 has a separate version of the curriculum, with Year 6 focusing on transition. All lessons are pre-made for teachers making them easy to teach without taking any preparation time. They contain quizzes, songs, animations and more and feature our lovely characters below. The content is structured against the five modules shown in the My Happy Mind system image. Each Year group works through the 5 modules allowing for a whole school culture to build. There are also lessons on neurodiversity to enable the whole school community to better understand and embrace diversity.



he My Happy Mind curriculum is grounded in scientific research and helps children to:

  • Feel happier
  • Know what to do when they feel worried or stressed
  • Improve their focus and learn more
  • Achieve more of the goals that they set for themselves
  • Develop better relationships with friends and families
  • Feel great about who they are and have positive self-esteem

And much, much more!


My Happy Mind isn’t just a topic or subject like Maths.  It is a life skill that we can all learn to help us to be our very best selves.  We will be having lessons each week, but we will be using the habits we learn all of the time. All of our teachers are doing My Happy Minds alongside our children!